Accepted Payment Methods

  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept various payment methods, including wire transfers, letters of credit (L/C), documentary collections, and open account terms.

  • Can I pay with a credit card?
    Yes, we accept major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express for certain transactions.

  • Do you accept wire transfers?
    Yes, we accept wire transfers. Hence, please contact our sales team for bank details.

  • What are letters of credit (L/C)?
    Letters of credit are a secure methods where a bank guarantees payment on behalf of the buyer, provided that the seller meets the terms and conditions specified in the L/C.

  • What is a documentary collection?
    Documentary collection is a process where the seller’s bank forwards documents to the buyer’s bank, which releases them to the buyer upon payment or acceptance of a bill of exchange.

  • Can I set up open account terms?
    Yes, open account terms can be arranged for trusted partners. Therefore, please contact our sales team to discuss eligibility.

  • Are there any fees for certain payment methods?
    Some payment methods may incur additional fees. Hence, please check with our billing department for details.

  • Can I pay in multiple currencies?
    Yes, we accept payments in multiple currencies. Therefore please contact our sales team for more information.

  • What should I do if my payment is declined?
    If your transaction is declined, please check with your bank or provider, or contact our customer service team for assistance.

Payment Terms

  • What are your standard payment terms?
    Our standard payment terms vary by order and client agreement. Typical terms include Net 30, Net 60, or Net 90 days.

  • Can I negotiate terms and conditions of payments?
    Yes, terms can be negotiated based on the order size and client history. Hence please contact our sales team to discuss.

  • Do you offer early discounts?
    Early transaction discounts may be available. However, Please contact our billing department for more information.

  • What is the process for setting up a letter of credit (L/C)?
    To set up a letter of credit, please contact your bank and our sales team. We will provide the necessary details and instructions.

  • How do I handle payment disputes?
    Payment disputes are handled on a case-by-case basis. Hence, please contact our billing department for assistance.

Currency and Conversion

  • Which currencies do you accept?
    We accept payments in INR, USD, EUR, GBP, and other major currencies. However, please contact our sales team for details.

  • What determines currency conversion rate?
    Prevailing exchange rates determine the currency conversion rates.

  • Do you charge any fees for currency conversion?
    Currency conversion fees may apply depending on the payment method and currency. Hence, please check with our billing department for more information.

  • Can I lock in a currency exchange rate?
    Yes, you can lock in a currency exchange rate through forward contracts or other financial instruments. Therefore, please contact our sales team to discuss options.

  • What should I do if I have questions about currency conversion?
    If you have any questions about currency conversion after this please contact our billing department for assistance.

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